Siirry sisältöön

Tips for demonstrating competence

Familiarise yourself with the instructions of your higher education institution regarding the recognition and accreditation of prior learning and learning demonstrated in some other manner, and follow these instructions. This list gives you and your teachers tips on how to demonstrate competence. The higher education institutions' own practices are followed in the demonstration of prior competence.

  • Presenting your own entrepreneurial activities in a presentation event agreed in advance
  • Holding an expert lecture on an entrepreneurial theme
  • Presenting your company’s business calculations (such as financial statements)
  • Keeping a learning diary, for example, during the process of setting up a company
  • A reflective essay describing your entrepreneurship competence
  • Using photographic material as part of a report, for example, in portfolio format
  • Video of your company’s activities
  • Presenting your company’s website and / or social media channels, which proves that the company is active. In addition, it is worth presenting data on the company’s activities created by analytical tools
  • Describing your business activities using different models, such as Business Model, Canvas or Lean Canvas
  • An interview in which the teacher asks questions about your entrepreneurship competence
  • Business partner’s / customer’s assessment of your entrepreneurship competence
  • Presenting your own entrepreneurial activities in a presentation event agreed in advance
  • Holding an expert lecture on an entrepreneurial theme
  • A reflective essay describing your own entrepreneurship competence
  • Using photographic material as part of a report, for example, in portfolio format
  • Video on entrepreneurial activities in the employing organisation
  • Describing the organisation in which you have worked through different models, such as Business Model Canvas or Lean Canvas
  • An interview in which the teacher asks questions about your entrepreneurship competence
  • A customer’s / colleague’s / supervisor’s assessment of your entrepreneurship competence

Student experiences