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Case: Active Year of the Student


Theme(s): Competence and its assessment (reflection on learning); practices and principles (recognition of (prior) learning in organisational activities and accreditation of learning acquired in organisational activities).


The purpose of the Active Year of the Student is to combine studies with managerial experience gained in voluntary activities. The idea is to build the student’s own “personal frame of reference”. The aim is to increase the student’s self-knowledge in the role of a manager, and to provide tools for the development, practical testing and continuous learning of the student’s own managerial thinking. The Active Year of the Student course helps the student to cope better in the position, learn from it, and, in addition, earn credits.  

Implementation method

The Active Year of the Student course is offered at the Aalto University. During the year, the student acts as a volunteer in a leading position of a student organisation or association. 

Process of recognising (prior) learning / accrediting learning demonstrated in some other manner

The experience and competence acquired by the students in a managerial position or position of responsibility are recognised and accredited. 

Assessment of performance 

Competence acquired during the active year can be recognised as (prior) learning in the “Collaborative influence” course course. The student writes a reflective essay and participates in a workshop to discuss the experiences. The essay consists of answers to specific questions. In addition, a collection of articles is used in the reflection. The reflection is carried out as a structured small group discussion lasting approximately three hours. 

Voluntary positions of responsibility can also be accredited as learning demonstrated in some other manner in the “Growing into an influential manager” course. In this course, students who have served in positions of responsibility reflect on their tasks and what they have learned in two different parts.

The first part focuses on discussing the task itself and, for example, how and on what principles the student can cope with the task and how to build a team. The reflection takes place through working in peer groups in a workshop. The second part, in turn, consists of a self-assessment of how the student has succeeded in the task. A diary and observation are used as tools for reflection. The module provides two ECTS credits. 

Assessment on a scale of pass/fail. 

Student experiences