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Case: Y Portfolio Course


Theme(s): Practices and principles (individualisation of studies, teacher in charge); Assessment of competence (reflection on learning).


The Y Portfolio (Entrepreneurship Portfolio) is a course in entrepreneurship and work-related competence, and it helps students bring their practical experience in entrepreneurship and work to be part of the degree studies in a predetermined manner. By using the Y Portfolio, student can accredit their competence that is acquired through activities related to entrepreneurship. The competence related to entrepreneurship may be related to different perspectives, such as business, organisational development or other societal development and reforms perspective. 

The Y Portfolio was developed at the Tampere universities (Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences) in order to support the development of entrepreneurial and work-related competences among students, and make them visible to students and to teachers. 

Implementation method 

The compilation of the Y Portfolio consists of three parts:

  1. Kick-off meeting (group meeting): introducing the ways in which the Y Portfolio can be completed, the student’s personal study plan, scheduling and implementation plans. 
  2. Completing an assignment that demonstrates learning: a personal assignment, such as a blog, an “entrepreneurship manual” or a presentation. 
  3. Facilitated group sessions for reflection: dialogue, feedback and peer support. 

The content of the course is defined for each student together with the coach responsible for the course. The content is based on personal learning objectives. The course may include a variety of activities related to entrepreneurship, such as periods in employment, cooperation projects, activities related to starting one’s own business, the development of existing business activities or the implementation of various experiments.

The studies may also include reading literature and participating lectures and seminars related to the theme. The completion methods may also include acting in a position of trust in an organisation that supports entrepreneurship, participation in non-credit bearing entrepreneurial coaching in or outside the higher education institution, or voluntary work in an entrepreneurial community. 

Process of recognising (prior) learning / accrediting learning demonstrated in some other manner 

The Y Portfolio is specifically related to earning ECTS credit for entrepreneurship competence.


Pass/Fail: The course is registered with the grade “pass” when the student has demonstrated independent and goal-oriented work towards reaching their own goals. In addition, they have set the goals, worked towards them and assessed their progress in terms of quantity and quality. 

The course is registered with the grade “fail” if the student has not succeeded in planning and producing a learning process. They have not reached the course objectives so that they could independently describe their importance and functionality in terms of their own learning. 

Further information 

Student experiences