Siirry sisältöön

Information and communication


Current challenges:

Even if higher education institutions have models and plans in place for the recognition and accreditation of entrepreneurship competence acquired outside the formal education, not all teachers know about these practices as yet.

If the teachers are not familiar with the recognition of (prior) learning and the accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner, they may confuse the different uses of these two processes. Also, previous studies indicate that students are not yet very well aware of their possibility to use competence acquired in practical work as part of their entrepreneurship studies. 

In order to solve challenges related to information and communication, we recommend the following: 

  • The amount of communication and information tailored for each target group is increased.
  • Relevant concepts should be explained as clearly as possible. 
  • It is ensured that information on practices related to the recognition of (prior) learning and the accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner is included in the orientation of teacher tutors, teachers, education planners, and student tutors. 

Student experiences